


Brussels Pride, the Belgian Gay Pride in Brussels

Brussels Pride, the Belgian Gay Pride in Brussels

What is Brussels Pride?

For more than 25 years, the LGBTQIA+ community has been gathering every year in May in Brussels for Brussels Pride, the Belgian & European Pride. Known as Belgian Lesbian and Gay Pride until 2016, the event is still gathering more and more participants.

For this occasion, the city of Brussels is decked out in the colours of the rainbow flag for a week and offers numerous pride festivities:

  • Pride Week
  • Pride Village
  • Brussels Pride

What is this year's theme?

The theme of Brussels Pride is "Protect the Protest", the slogan of the Amnesty International campaign. This theme underlines the importance of the fundamental right to protest for all individuals, including those from the LGBTQIA+ community. The LGBTQIA+ movement recognises that freedom of association and expression are crucial to advancing the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community. These rights must be respected and preserved in Belgium, in Europe and worldwide.

Pride Week

From 10 to 19 May 2023, Pride Week marks the start of Brussels Pride and offers a series of conferences, debates and activities focusing on issues of importance to the LGBTQIA+ community.

Pride Village

On Saturday 20 May 2023, the Pride Village, located on the Mont des Arts in the city centre, opens its doors to the public from midday. It welcomes thousands of people for amazing performances, music, special food and a marketplace where many LGBTQIA+ organisations present themselves.

You can also go to the Rainbow Village in the Saint-Jacques district to enjoy the exciting atmosphere of Brussels Pride.

The big news this year is the addition of two extra stages, on top of the existing one, to welcome artists who will raise the temperature and make you dance all day long.

How to get there?

Red route: hop off at stop 1 Gare Centrale / Centraal Station

Blue route: hop off at stop 1 Gare Centrale / Centraal Station

Brussels Pride

Because Brussels wants to be cosmopolitan and inclusive, it welcomes all participants wishing to attend Brussels Pride, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Several activities will punctuate this period placed under the sign of diversity, inclusion and solidarity. While the atmosphere is conducive to parties and parades, the Brussels Pride parade is different because of its more serious interventions. You will have the opportunity to attend debates and conferences on a wide range of topics, from gay rights to gay culture.

On Saturday 20 May 2023, the festivities will start on the Mont des Arts at noon and the inaugural speech and the start of the Pride Parade will take place at 2pm. The parade will criss-cross the streets of Brussels.


To continue your discovery of Brussels' neighbourhoods, discover our top 20 activities to do in the Belgian capital.